Back Surgery

Lower back is a cake walk compared to upper and neck. I've got a bunch of donor bone in my neck replacing discs. Surgical scars in middle and lower back too.
The very worst part of any surgery is the possibility of opioid addiction. Odds are you already take those. Prescribed dosage only causes us to focus on the pain they are supposed to relieve. Truth is, pain killers work only when the dosage takes the brain to comatose/lights out state.
Please see a documentary on Netflix titled Prescription Thugs. We'll here about those celebrities like Prince, Michael Jackson, Anna Nichole Smith, others. There are millions more average Americans we don't here about.
Did you know complaints of back problems increased in unison with automobiles replacing horses and horse and buggy ? Google it. I read somewhere that the very worst car seat was placed in first generation Mustang. Riding a horse wouldn't harm one as much as driving a auto named after a horse. I find that soooo ironic.
It's true that we get wiser with age. I certainly have. It's also true that the knowledge comes when its too damn late to do anything with it. Anyway... Don't fret lower back surgery. You'll dance away from it ( If you really want to ). Best of luck to you.