Made a life changine decision..........

and here I was expecting to see a shiny new 40K mustang

I guess if your passed using them, it makes sense to take them down

I guess I kept hoping to find the ambition. There are other factors. RF noise. The "noise floor" has gone up intensely over the years, making the lower frequency bands nearly useless. I may build another mobile setup in the pickup.

Yet another factor is I simply don't have the circle of friends I once did. I no longer can stomach some of the stupid "speak" I hear on the amateur bands. I rarely get on the VHF/ UHF repeaters, one time some guy wanted to know "What was my first personal?"

I told him "not sure it was any of his business, but if he had to know, it was about 8 inches."

He never returned, which was fine with me.

Crap like "do ya gotta copy on me?"