Made a life changine decision..........

I knew you were Navy, didn't know about TACAN! Their shop was next to ours. About the time I retired, the Air Force was combining, ATCALS (radio maint), Navigational Aids (NAVAIDS), and weather. They went to an "Airfield Maintenance" concept. Probably best now that a lot of stuff is going black box repair.

The neat thing about Ground Radio Maint back in the day was, if the base needed something with electricity repaired, they called us. I worked on the NCO club sound system...and worked on a cop car radio. The cops couldn't transmit late one night when they were close to one of their patrol cars. I happened to be at the NCO Club having a few when the cops called my house and got my wife. She told them where I was so they drove to the NCO club and picked me up! Turned out to be a frayed mic cord that would short out occasionally. Replaced the cord and they took me back to the club!! Those were the days!