Fan pulley, removal nessesary?

From post #1, you say your summer temp is between 5 and 15. Ima guessing that would be Celsius? In US terms that would be 41*F to 59*F.
There is no motivation you could tempt me with to live there. None.

X) generally it's quite chill up here, yes. April is still a snow month, in may it thaws and in june we start warming up, or should I say thaw.

If you like fishing, and I do, this is heaven. I have 7 rivers (that i can remember on the fly) within 10min driving, and countless small lakes and ponds. And nobody owns them, WE do, I don't have to ask anyone to do anything, anywhere. And regarding the good stuff that comes with heat, the threshold for light clothing is about the temperature your soft serve is able to start melting :)