Interior Seat Cover Question



Well-Known Member
May 12, 2015
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Has anyone here dealt with Parts Unlimited seat covers that can comment on the quality, fit and finish of their products? Their prices are cheaper than Legendary Auto.
Only interior piece I purchased from PUI was headliner. When I got to the point of install, I pulled a fastback headliner from a box marked notchback. Yes that purchase was all about saving a coin and yes it ruined my day. Lesson learned. Year One had a correct headliner at my door 2 days later. If Legendary could have gotten one here that quick... Good luck
You get what you pay for. The vinyl is very thin and know where near the quality of Legendary. Don't order Legendary direct, it's cheaper through Dante's Mopar Parts.
Watch Legendary's website for a sale they have them quite often I got 25% off just about everything in my interior, the one thing I don't like about their website is the discount doesn't show up till after you order so I called my order in.

A little patients and you can get Legendary's quality with the cheaper guys price