Brake Pushrod Bushing

are you talking about the bushing for the push rod? if so Dr. Diff sells them if you email them. 8.00 to your door.

Yep, that is the one. Thats not a bad price. I'll call him up.

I got mine from Dr Diff....since I have a few a bodies I bought about 3 or 4 of them...

I looked on his site and didnt see any but I'll make a phone call.

Not sure if you bought a new MC, but if you did, it should have come with a new rubber grommet.

I did install a new MC, but that was 3 years ago.. It didnt come with it and I've been driving with out one ever since.. I just thought about it and started searching for options. Next time I buy a MC Im going to make sure there is one in the box!