Brake Pushrod Bushing

If it is such a huge safety item, then why is it such a mickey-mouse part? If it were really important, it would be a of a more robust design. Something like a c-clip, or roll pin / cotter pin would be much better. But that isn't how they designed it. It's a piece of rubber! All it does is keep the pushrod from falling out of the master cylinder if you pull the brake pedal all the way up. I have yet to see a car where the rod can actually come out when you do this, because the brake pedal does not have that much travel. I have used O-rings to replace these bushings and they work quite well. Measure it up and get an o-ring for 50ยข at your local hardware store. IIRC, a 1/2" x 1/4" o-ring works pretty good here.