340 Roller Cam/Lifter Issues.

The BEST route isn't always the RIGHT route.

Comp has sucked since they sold out (and has sucked for Mopar folks a lot longer), but the choice is spend a LOT more money after good, or let Comp make it right so that Ken can at least enjoy the car for a while before moving up to better parts ;)

There's no reason Comp shouldn't make it right. Getting ahold of the right CS rep is as important as anything. Being humble and playing 'dumb' while making an airtight case is key. As soon as a customer comes off as pissy, it's all over. On the flip side, as soon as the customer comes off as a fool with money it's also all over. Sound well-read while giving them the benefit of the doubt, and the CS guy has little opening to argue. Never be afraid to ask to talk to someone else, either.

It sounds like they've supplied two replacement lifters. That is acknowledgement that the failure is their fault. Now the problem is that there are two different and incompatible designs in that engine - there is zero good reason to mix lifters, especially when things like cup height are different. The position of the adjuster will change the geometry at the rocker ever so slightly - who builds an engine and shoots for inconsistency? It only makes sense to offer to send them the old ones back "so they have some of the older ones out of circulation" in return for the new design - offering to pay for shipping might be enough to do the trick in some cases. If the rep doesn't budge, hang up and call back and hope for another guy and try again.. At some point you become more trouble than they want to deal with :D