340 Roller Cam/Lifter Issues.

I would take a better look at that cam, see all the little pits in it? Thats not what our cams look like,they are perfectly smooth and nicely polished. Those pits are from a cast core not a billet core...yet more proof of COMP being ****. Our cams are ground on billet cores from Racer Brown, if you ask Jim to grind on cast core he will tell you to go call comp for **** like that!

Great points, but for a streeter the cast vs billet is probably moot. That said, billet will definitely be better quality. Cast parts never achieve 100% density, even after high pressure post-processing.

I'd go with anyone other than Comp simply because Comps profiles aren't specific to or beneficial for Mopar engines.

The Comp could always be sold and a new cam installed - but those lifters need to be addressed first and foremost. No reason to run mismatched, and no reason Comp should have send mismatched parts in the first place. If they were willing to send new parts, that's acknowledgement of their responsibility and they should replace the whole set. Even if "it will work OK" with them mixed, doesn't mean it's the way it *should* be. I can run with two different height tires on the rear too, for a while. Doesn't make it a good idea.