72 Scamp front drums

By 1973 -- 99 % were FRONT DISC Brakes -- and the Rears got the beefed up BBP (big bolt pattern) where they changed from 5 x 4" to 5 x 4 1/2" and changed
from 10"x 1 3/4" to 10" x 2 1/2" in the Rear....
If YOU -- or anyone you know -- has 1973 - 1976 Front Drums ---- I have those FRONT HUB & DRUM Assemblies -- NEW N.O.S. in the MOPAR BOXES --- and will
offer them VERY Inexpensively!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (They ARE very heavy however -- and DO NOT fit in "if it fits it ships" boxes) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!