How do you Convert HEI to Mopar

GM's HEI is a later design than the Mopar 1970's ECU and gives a slightly better spark. It doesn't need a ballast resistor, due to electronic current control. Mopar had similar by the 1980's, but buried into the engine controller ("lean burn"). The main problem w/ the Mopar ECU is less reliability, with many poor modules in the supply stream. HEI is also easier to retrofit to points-type engines. The 8-pin HEI module is a bit better than the 4-pin, using sealed connectors, and found on 85-95 Chevy V-8 (-93 cars). TrailBeast sells the kitted parts if you don't like junkyards. For all but a slant, you can buy a ready-to-run HEI distributor <$60 (ebay), but isn't the 8-pin module. Many posts on all that here w/ reviews.