Cinnamon 75 Duster \

test fit was fine. With the tire straight, I can fit 2 fingers in front and about 1.5 behind. Closest when steering, I can still get a finger in both front and back I now have all the tires mounted. Just waiting for a little dry time to get them on.

Other good news...I got my window fuzzies today! they look good. Inners screw on instead of clipping onto plastic, but otherwise look like originals. I ordered from Joshs Muscle Car and they came from PUI.

I have quite a few parts collected that are better than what is on now. At this point, my plan is to get the car together with the better parts, and then do final paint later. I will be hitting the door jambs, around trunk etc with single stage. will probably paint around tail lights, door handles,etc. where stuff goes on. Might pull some again, but most will likely just get taped..