Remember when this was what they cost?

well, then let me explain my thinking, because obvious it wasn't clear what I meant

first of, I hold all service members in the highest regard and I believe they should be properly compensated for their service
the idea that someone flipping burgers (making 15 dollars an hour) makes more then ANYONE in the armed forces is repugnant

and that is what I was referring to, when I made that remark, tongue in cheek
apparently my intend did not show through, and I apologize for that

Ok, you have owned up to your reply.
That i can accept.
I took your statement to mean, one should have gotten a job at McDonalds, back in the 60's and 70's, instead of being in the military.
For me, i gave up the 1970's to be in the military, and throughout my 20's while in the AF.