Help....throttle cable/gas pedal set up

Hey guys,

Got the factory pedal in my 71 dart, and have a Lokar cable and mount. My butterflies in the carb are not opening fully before the pedal hits the floor.

Heres the deal.

The part of the pedal that the cable slides into is all the way against the firewall when everything is hooked up.
With the idle screw set on the carb where it needs to be, I pulled the cable into the linkage as far as possible, and tightened the set screw.

When the pedal goes to the floor, the carb butterflies are not fully opening, and the cable is tight with no adjustment to be made.

I thought about heating the pedal and bending the foot pedal half up so that it would be farther off the floor at rest and give more travel. Problem is that the back half hits the fire wall at the same time as the foot pad hitting the floor, and it would not let me have the extra travel.

What do you guys run for a pedal/cable/bracket?
