318 simple bolt on setup for more horsepower

Do a 2.25 inch exhaust, that engine is not making nearly enough power to warrant 2.5. As a general rule, more free flowing exhausts = more horsepower/top end and a more restrictive exhaust = more low end torque. Example, 2.5 in will support 400 horsepower. If you installed a 3 in, you'd get more top end and if you installed a 2.25 you'd get more low end. Obviously there is a lot more too it and it is possible to be too restrictive and too free flowing.
My brother had always had dual exhaust on this Duster he was in the Army and he had it shipped from Germany when he came back home then he had the dual exhaust running out the side I always remember burning my legs getting out of his car when I was a little kid now he got the exhaust running out the Tell end they look like two 2.25 but I will double check