318 running like crap

I am an electronics engineer, and greatly prefer points and condenser.
When your module fails suddenly somewhere in the boonies beyond East Overshoe, no amount of fiddling or praying will fix it.
With points, you can almost always get it going without too much fuss.
I have had exactly 1 condenser die on me since 1977. I disconnected the radio filter bypass cap from the positive side of the coil, connected it to the negative side to do the job of the failed condenser inside the distributor, and was on my way in about 5 minutes.
And when points are getting tired, they tell you about it for quite a while before they stop working entirely.

I kinda agree and I kinda dont. I just made a habit of putting a spare box and ballast resistor in the glove box. What really screwed me up was switching to a multispark box. Now when that failed,I was walking...