Little Shakedown Cruise

Well the Daddy Daughter Duster project made some more progress this weekend. The girls' school activities really put a damper on finding time to work of the car. But now that they made it through their freshman year and on summer break, we can finally get it going again. Updates will be made on our restoration thread.

Anyway, took it out yesterday for the 1st time since installing the sub-frame connectors, sound deadener and new carpeting. Was very pleased with everything!

Today "The Boss" wanted to go for a ride to see what all the hoopla was about. And she enjoyed herself! I only wound it up to 6K rpm for that 1-2 shift, but that was enough to put a big old smile on her face! Also shook the fella that was tailgating us up to and through the turn. I am very fortunate, and blessed, have 3 lovely ladies in my life, all of which appreciate the old cars!

Be well everyone,