Cinnamon 75 Duster \

Got driver side glass in, finally used something from a pile of glass I bought a while ago. Even this piece ain't that great. Has a few horizontal scratches, but better than what I had. Put in both inner handles and lock linkage. The anti-rattle sleeves on the inside latch opening rod were pretty ragged. Found replacement on ebay. Last but not least... I installed the lower gaskets around both doors. They are Metro Supersoft. They fit good, but a couple differences from original. The plastic pins for the ends were useless since they were too small to catch in the holes. I used the original screws instead. Only issue there is you can't really tighten them or the rubber just squished and twists cause there is no metal plate in it. Used 3M black weatherstripping adhesive along with the clips and screws and they are secure in place.

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