Slow learner...

Me back again.

Inkjunkie, your post was like a bombshell. Now I'm more antsy than a 6 year old that's drank 2 pitchers of Kool-Aid and been denied bathroom privileges. Where you been & how you doin'.

Awhile back I posted about how I was feeling down on my build thread. I'd thought about leaving FABO at that time because some of the drama was getting to me. Some members wrote back and encouraged me to stay. I felt foolish for ever speaking up about the way I'd felt and thought some would think I was being insincere - that I'd only been fishing for pity.

You better not be feeling weird about putting this out here for us to read. If anything, I'd say I'm proud of you for having the stones to talk about it. I don't read even 1% of the threads on FABO but I did stumble upon this one. The way you described what you've been going through made me realize I've been taking my own current problems too seriously again.

SO, - how you doin'.