People piss me off!!!

Whoa there.
Sorry I ruffled your feathers.
I've lived a life diagnosing and troubleshooting technology as my profession.
Never called you names or characterized you in any way.
I try to help people for free.
I tell true tales, and have witnessed many people invite trouble into their lives by choice. If I didn't breathe electronics for a living, I wouldn't have experience to speak from. Nothing personal.
I send you my best wishes.
I'm going through the hardest time in my life right now, and helping other people helps ME cope.
I'd buy you a beer, if you were here.
Fighting is for the bowtie guys.
Again, sorry you took my input as condescending or rude.
I owe you an apology. Sorry I flew off the handle about your comments. I realize you were merely trying to help remedy my problem. I constantly have people second guessing things I do, or telling me how to do things. After a while it builds up and I snap, it isn't anyone's fault but my own. Again, I am sorry for my actions, you did nothing to deserve it.