Stalls in Gear, Automatic- Restarts Good- Can Slam it into Gear! EEEK

If you are having to pull the metering rods out of the jets to get rich enough mixture for idle there is a serious issue with the idle circuits. Either a restriction or a baseplate gasket to body mismatch. If the boosters are starting to spill over at fast idle then the float level may be a little high as well but until you find out why fuel is not flowing through the idle circuits properly you can't really diagnose any other issues with the carb.

The carb kit specs showed 1/4 for the float level u think that's good? U think I should adjust 1/8 and see what happens? Paid 50 bucks for what I think is a fairly good kit. Kinda disappoint that the baseplate gasket proper size wasn't in it.
I put original baseplate back no difference.
Fuel is flowing through 5 psi now with original mechanical pump.