Stalls in Gear, Automatic- Restarts Good- Can Slam it into Gear! EEEK

I set the float quite a bit lower than the factory setting on my AFB on the '66 383.
It ran better and fastet than the recommended setting and got better mileage, plus it didn't rot out the exhaust system as fast as previously.
I'd go straight to 3/8".
If the floats are the plastic type, they can become porous and not float as strong as they should, and still let the level be too high. Somewhere you can find the exact weight they're supposed to be if they haven't absorbed fuel.
If they have you can set them in the hot sun and dry them out. Then get some of the old-fashioned Indian Head gasket shellac in a little bottle with the round dauber inside the cap. Using your finger and a brush, recoat the outside of the float with a thin layer, let dry and repeat. Don't miss spots.
It's not dissolved by gas, and saves the trouble of finding new floats.
It won't hurt anything to do that just as prevention.