Home schoolers...

Education starts at home !!!
One of the big problems today is that many parents are too busy or don't take the time to teach their children fundamental life skills !!
It is put on society and the public school systems who gladly endoctrinate the uneducated students !!!
Once again it states at home !!
Even if children attend public or private schools it's still the parents job to teach truth !!!

I also believe this to be true.
We taught our kids (even though they all went to public schools) that fair play and common sense were among the main priorities to be learned in life and that most anything that came up could usually be solved with one of these.
Common sense can solve a lot of life's issue's, and informed decision making plays a huge role.
They were taught facts by us, and allowed to form their own opinions on everything from religion to social interaction.

It's amazing how well adjusted and decisive they are now that they are in their late 20's and early thirties.
Well, the boys are anyway but the girls have always seemed to have strange **** in their heads here and there for some reason.
A lot of it I'm sure resulted from one Daughter not able to visit or talk to her Dad (me) much growing up, and the Wife's biological Daughter living with us her entire young life.
There has always been a not so underlying jealousy and emotional hurt going on between those two, that seemed to carry over into their adult lives socially with family and friends alike.

Personally I think public school ignores a lot of important social training and real life lessons that are critical in my opinion.
The biggest A hole jock in PT class trying to kill people with a soccer ball "playing" dodge ball isn't it for the person throwing the ball or the one getting hit either one.
Teachers telling a kid something he or she knows damn well isn't true because they know the actual facts and realize the teachers have an agenda promoted by the school, city, state or country just lessens their trust in the entire system.
What they need are to be taught the true facts and common sense, or we as a species are doomed to make the same mistakes, over and over again with misinformation being the springboard for the decision making.

Here where we live for example they don't mention a word in the schools about how this area we live in was developed and built almost entirely on Chinese labor, that was run off, killed or made house slaves when they didn't need them any longer.
My Son asked his teacher once about why this wasn't part of the local history being taught in the schools and the Teacher told him because it didn't happen.
He told her it absolutely did happen, as his parent taught him about it when we moved here, and there were pictures in geological texts depicting some of these people being beaten for low mine production, and even pictures of the tunnels that still exist today under the town that they were forced to live in when they were not in the mines.
She sent him to the Principals office, and we had a go around about my kid getting in trouble for mentioning an embarrassing although true fact about the history of the town and they caught a pretty big earful from me about teaching only the pretty and cute facts instead of how bad it can be to abuse people and not allow anyone to learn from history so as to not have it repeated.
(Remember that one Teacher?)