Home schoolers...

Public schools have become propaganda and conformity centers. Do you know anything about Nazi Germany? My daughters were told they had to write a paper on "why they believe in Evolution". Neither did, and there was no other option. You can not punish kids in school today, how are you going to keep discipline. You can not fail a kid, why does he/she need to try or study. This is devastating to marginal kids. Our kids are coming out less and less prepared for the crazy world we find ourselves in. Since public school guidelines will not admit failure, they double down on stupid. Parents scam the system and jump on teachers who push their kids. If I did something stupid in school, I was in big trouble from my parents, not my teacher. Home schooling is like a computer, Garbage in = Garbage out. I agree with the thoughtful answers above. My brother is a missionary in Brazil, so his kids are Home Schooled. It is hard work, they both take seriously, to teach their 3 kids. My Daughter was a Private School teacher, her son is reading at 4 years old. She will probably Home School her boys. There are all kinds of resources now and joint activities for Home Schooled kids. Sorry for the Rant. Next?