The phone call I have been waiting for!!!!!

First a short history. In Jan. 2009 I picked up a Lung infection that almost killed my. For 3 days the Docs told my family they didn't know if I would make it. I was in a coma on life support for 2 weeks and in the hospital for 2 more weeks after that. I lost 80% of my lung function. Since then I have been on Oxygen 24/7. Between Jan. 12 and Feb. 20 this year I was home for only 5 days. Was in the hospital and rehab the rest.
The first week in April I started the process to try to get on the Lung transplant list here in Denver. I got the call today that EVERYTHING was finality done and approved. I am on the list for real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ave waiting time here is about 90 days. Every time the phone rings from now on I'm going to jump a little.
I am looking forward to doing a lot that I not been able to for years. One is being able to get back to work on my 66 Barracuda.