Leaking issues in my 200 4R - any gurus available?

The transmission shop had the car all day and called at 4:30 to say "come and get it!" I asked what it was and he said it was just overfull. I said no way. I've checked the level 50 times minimum in the last month. He swore that's all it was. I picked it up and got to the exact same spot I did last time and it was smoking like an oil refinery. I pulled over in front of the exact same house I did last time. I finally broght the car into work. I decided to lower the tranny as far as I could and put a hose on the vent tube and run it up into a catch can. I got the exhaust down, the driveshaft out, the crossmember out, and lowered it as far as i could. I still couldn't get at the vent tube. I can barely get a finger on it. I called an old buddy I haven't talked to in years. He is a transmission builder. Should have called him first. He says the only things that will increase heat is a slipping converter or if the builder didn't put in the kit to bring flow through the cooler in 4th gear when he changed to a non lock up system. He thinks it's the converter. I beat on it, it wears out, the vanes can get distorted and it can slip more. It's decided, I am ordering a new converter. If that doesn't work I'll have it rebuilt and get it over with.