Would like to get some more oomph from my 318

I have to disagree on the lower trans ratios
When you go to those, you increase the powerband requirement of the engine, by a like amount. A teener with a 236 cam and no compression just won't pull when it hits second gear, and worse in third. If you are gonna build a one gear car then fine.
Here are the numbers 2.45-1.45-1.00 the splits are 59% and 69%
With a 236* cam, the power peak might not arrive until what? say 5650
Well with the stock tranny the 1-2 shift might have to be 7100, to drop in at 4189 for a powerband of 2911, centered at 5645. The 2-3 shift rpm, to be centered at 5660 would need to be at 6700, to drop in at 4623, for a powerband requirement of 2077
Now lets work it out for the wide ratio set.The ratios are 2.74-1.54-1.00 and the splits are 56% and 65%
So to center the shift at 5650, the 1-2 shift rpm would need to be 7250, to drop in at 4060, for a powerband requirement of 3190, to be centered at 5655. The 2-3 shift could be at 6850, to drop in at 4453, for a powerband of 2397, centered at 5652.
To recap
the stock ratio needs a powerband of 2911 and 2077
The wide ratio set needs ................3190 and 2397
Averaging them out the wide ratio needs about 12% more, which is about the same as the ratio increase; 2.74/2.45 = plus 11.8%
So I see two problems, the 236 cam is waaaaay too big and, that's a huge powerband requirement.
So right-off, this teener is sunk.
You need to analyze your driving requirement, to get your cruising speed into the poweband, and to heck with what happens at the line. Then pull cam out til the torque is there and then put some TC into it so it can spin the tires.To do otherwise is to build a dragracer, and hope for the best.
I know this sounds ridiculous, but check it out.
Say most of your driving is done at 35 mph. Ok you will want a reasonably comfortable cruise rpm, and when it kicks down into 1st, you will want the engine to be in a happy place.You will want the closest ratio tranny you can find, so that the powerband can be narrow and the peak power reached very quickly, so you can get into the next gear and back into the powerband. Unfortunately the closest ratio we are stuck with is the stocker.So lets say you picked a more reasonable cam like in the range of 210 to 220, or something that brings the power peak, down to 5000 this will outshift first at 6300, to drop in at 3717, for a powerband of 2583, centered at 5009 So the rpm in first at 35 mph needs to be at least around 3717. So with 25.5 tires, and a 2.45 low gear, this works out to a rear gear of 3.28s, and puts you at the bottom of the powerband. If you are racing to 50mph, this will keep you in first all the way to 5304rpm, and 60 will be 6365, still in first
Now lets get back to the 3.28s
This is gonna suck from a standstill,right. Now hold on a sec. For starters we have here a torque cam, so it's gonna pull pretty hard, and we got 25.5 inch tires, not 28s.And of course you are gonna need a TC. So stick a 2800 in there and call it done. At 2800 that teener is gonna be putting out plenty of torque.
Lets say this teener puts out 130 ftlbs @ 2800, through 3.28s and a 2.45. That would be 1045 ftlbs into the rear axles. Stock it might have putout 100 @ 1600 into 2.76s which is 676 ft lbs. So its up 54% in torque into the rear axles. I....... think...... it's....... going..........to ........spin.
You coulda done the same with the 2.74 low and 2.93 gears. The overall gear ratio to hit 60 at 6365 is nearly identical. The problem comes at the racetrack, and when you shift into the next higher gear.
Now in the beginning OP wanted to track the car and pick up a nice ET. Well the ET and the MPH will definitely be better with the close ratio gears. Unfortunately, the 3.28s will make this a two-gear car, and the ET will suck. But the 3.28s will make it nearly a perfect 2-gear car.5400 will make 86 mph. 98 will need 6153rpm. The wide ratio trans will need 6534rpm to hit 98, almost 400 more rpm
What all these numbers show is that you better not be buying an off-the-shelf cam. You will absolutely need a custom cam, to cover that wide powerband. A 110LDA won't do it.
So analyze your needs and do some math.