Would like to get some more oomph from my 318

Junkyard Jewel 318 Power Curves

RPM....Torque HP... Torque HP....Torque HP
3,000 334.9 191.3 354.1 202.3 349.1 199.4
3,500 360.7 240.4 378.2 252.0 380.7 253.7
4,000 376.6 286.8 402.3 306.4 401.5 305.8 Start of powerband for TF(1st gear)
4,100 379.3 296.1 402.4 314.1 401.6 313.5
4,500 374.0 320.4 402.5 344.9 400.1 342.8
4,600 374.0 327.6 403.1 353.0 400.6 350.9
4,700 373.5 334.2 400.6 358.4 408.0 365.1
5,000 363.9 346.4 389.7 371.0 402.0 382.7
5,500 344.0 360.2 368.3 385.7 386.5 404.8 center of TF powerband
5,900 331.1 372.0 347.1 390.0 361.4 406.0
6,000 328.3 375.0 344.0 393.0 353.8 404.2
6,100 319.4 371.0 339.2 394.0 347.8 404.0
6800 376.6 286.8 402.3 306.4 401.5 305.8 est'ed end of TF powerband(1st)

This engine beautifully illustrates my thinking. It would make a great dragrace engine.
But they stopped the test way too soon to determine the shiftrpm. I took a wild guess and estimated that by 6800 the power had fallen down to 305.8 .So with a TF the 1-2 split is 59%. Shifting at 6800 the Rs drop in at 4012, for a powerband of 2788, centered at 5406. Notice the highlighted figures.Shifting this way will put the maximum average hp down.
Notice the powerband doesn't start until 4000 rpm. (I don't see a 4000TC in a streeter).This 4000 is 33 mph with 3.73s. These gears will hiway cruise at 3122 with 25.6 tires.So say you do stick a 3500 in there. Until you hit 33mph,you are still way below the powerband.
In order to make this work on the street with a TF, we,or I,would like the powerband to start a lot lower. 3.73s,is the highest I would be comfortable with, for hiway cruising. And 6800 with 3.73s is 56mph(1st). I would want to be well into the powerband at 30 mph.With 3.73s, that would be around 3600rpm. The powerband of this engine is at least 1000 rpm too high.
Or the engine is just too small.
Or you are gonna have to sacrifice hi-way useage.
Sacrificing the 3.73s, for 4.30s say( I mean it's a race engine, one might as well have race gears), will put the engine at [email protected] mph;now yer cooking.The 3500TC will now have only to pull from zero mph to 28.76.I see that as very doable.But you can see that with a 3500TC it will be putting down just 254 hp from stopped to 25mph. Hmmmmmm
Unfortunately 6800 will only get you 48.9 mph(1st), so you are gonna have to shift before 65, the posted speed limit.And when you do,the Rs drop back to 4000, and you get to climb the hill again. 65 will be 5350rpm, a good place to be for sure.So now it's working ...............as a weekend warrior.
65mph is 3689rpm.
And 6300 with 4.30s will get you 111mph. It's a dragcar
Streetable,sorta... Weekend warrior,probably...dragcar,yes...Streeter?Not to me.

Anyway that's my thinking.All criticism welcome....