Hmmm... Should I get this for our next family party?

Whether you get the shirts or not, that's up to you. But I want to share a little story with you that may be relevant.

My son had some issues with his digestive system a while ago. After it was cleared up, he saw this shirt somewhere (I forget where, not important), and wanted it. I thought it was funny, and told him I would get it. When I got to the checkout, and the clerk saw what I was getting, and who I was getting it for, he shared some information with me. He told me that the origins of the words on the shirt come from people who, uh, "indulge" a little too heavily in crystal meth. Apparently, meth causes severe constipation, and those afflicted are always really excited when they finally are able to go. Hence, "I pooped today!" After hearing that, my son didn't want the shirt anymore. I told him that it was just one story, and we have no way to verify whether it's true or not, but he'd changed his mind because he didn't want people to think he was a drug user.

So, for whatever it's worth, there's my story. I don't claim that what I was told is true. I don't claim it's not true. I don't know. It's no more valid than what has already been discussed in this thread, but I wanted to share the possibility with you anyway. Hope you have a fun BBQ!