Stop in for a cup of coffee

As a way to ease my depression I stopped listening to the news in the car going to work. One, it made me feel less bad about the state of the world and two, the silence was soothing. Now, I hardly follow the news at all. And, like you say, it makes very little difference.

Same here, Anders. I don't watch it on TV either, just makes me too angry and anxious.

Well good morning guys. All's well around here, hot. Yesterday was interesting, working on Sunday, get there and the power was out to the entire hotel. Not good when rooms are $600+ a night. Coworkers were all sitting around expecting they'd tell us "y'all can go home." I said that NEVER happens, worst case they'll make us help serve burgers outdoors in the heat, best case the power will come back on and we'll open up late. Which is what happened. I don't go back till Wednesday. Today will include a cocktail and swimming attire.