Stop in for a cup of coffee

600 a night?! that better come with an escort and a happy ending

It's actually a bit higher even. And that's just for a standard room. It's crazy. But some people will pay that kind of money for miles of beach, golf, tennis, spa, pools, etc. where anyone NOT paying can't get through the gate. A T-Bone for 2 is $170 where I work and that's all you get. Everything else is extra, a party of two can spend $300 without even trying and the wine list will take your breath away. I figured if I invested so many years in this profession I may as well get to this level. Most guests are really nice but they have high expectations so you have to be on your game. And it is physically demanding, two of my coworkers need knee surgery...

By the way by the time everyone else gets their cut, and because the business is very seasonal, we don't make as much money as you might think.