1970 Swinger 340 Hemi Orange 4 speed

Hey guys, sorry for not being around lately.. I've been trying to stay busy with lots of side work, so unfortunately my car is on the back burner to keep up with bills, :(. It hasn't gone anywhere and I plan to get back at it ASAP. The economy tanked here in Alberta and I think everywhere else in the world with the low oil prices (I have an oil related job) so I've had a lot of cutbacks at work.

In the meantime I've been doing sheetmetal repair on the side and the odd mechanical job. I've recently started looking into starting up a business with my dad doing restorations. I plan on starting it up very slow and eventually getting a shop and do it as a second job. I like working on older cars, especially Mopars! Next weekend I get the honor to do a little paint work and rust repair on a 1967 Hemi GTX!

I still plan on getting my car in paint this year, so I will start back up on it again very soon.