It's been 12 years coming......

So as time goes by while we enjoy our families, cars, and life in general, before you know it, you've been driving around in a mostly done car for 12 years before you finally get around to getting the mismatched seats done...........

The background - bought the new house Oct 1996, the Fury followed me home as a basket case Feb 1997, took her apart late 1998-ish, Maiden voyage June 2004. At that time, I had came across a 70 Newport ragtop parts car that donated it's gold seats that were not in the best of shape, but I had no seats and needed the somewhat rare convertible rear seat top and bottom. Spray dyed them black and got a couple of years out of them before the fronts started falling apart. They served their purpose. Enter the split bench 6 way power driver seat from a 74 Newport that are still tan and tattered. Turns out the bottom of the rear seat from the 74 fit a lot better than the "correct" size 70 ragtop seat bottom. So for the last 7 or 8 years, I've been cruising with what you see in the pics. As I would gather the funds to get them done, I wouldn't have the time, and when I would have the time, the funds had to be used elsewhere.

Well now the time and the funds have finally aligned and by the end of the month the seats will be waiting their turn at a local trim shop. Rather than keeping an all vinyl set of seats, I'm going to have cloth inserts done. I'm not doing anything crazy-custom with it. My vision is to have black vinyl for about 3-4 inches at the edges, with a 3 inch roll/pleat cloth material in the seat of the pants area and half way up the backrest running left to right. My initial plan was all black. Then the one shop I visited the other day suggested maybe a medium/dark blue insert. hmmmmmm........ My thoughts on that? I think it could work if I was having my door panels customized with a matching blue insert between the chrome strips running front to rear, but I'm not...... Since I'm leaving the door panels alone, I'm thinking all black would look best. Open to FABO's thoughts on it....

Here is what I currently have been sitting on. Can't wait to show pics of the new ones when I get it all back together the end of July in to August..... (I don't see my pics in the preview of my post...if they don't show up, I'll post them separately)