why do the police speed?

how do you know they are not in a hurry to get somewhere to save someone's life. ...you don't know. Maybe they don't want to turn the siren on to not spook a perp in a situation. you don't know that.

I cant speak for the whole country but in my county, I am going to stand by the cops. They do a fine job keeping me safe. ( I have some stories) I have seen my local deputy sheriff not engage in a high speed chase in the interest of public safety yet they still get their perp. That happened one time when I saw a Jeep Cherokee speed by and run stop signs and then a few minutes later a deputy sheriff was seen going a reasonable speed and looking for people who may be crossing the road as he tried to keep the jeep in sight. Later on the news, they got their perp which was a kidnapping and assault case.

If cops were not as effective there would be a lot more chaos on streets spilling over into our happy law abiding lives. This country has some of the best cops who resist corruption. Look at so many other countries where Cops get away with rape and theft and run the streets like their own play ground. I don't believe these cops here are near that bad, and there is a nice legal system here to act as a check and balance. Problem is that most citizens would rather just be spectators. Does your county offer citizen ride alongs??? mine does and have been on one before. Does your county offer tours of the jail and related offices??? mine does and I have spoken with a police captain myself.

So for shame to blindly demonize those who risk their lives to protect us and keep BS out of our neighborhoods. My local sheriff office staff are nothing but heros to me. I would hate to think people could have such a poor attitude towards other people who will be there when you really need them.