Didn't hurt



Not a Nova
Dec 26, 2006
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Now it does!Don't know how I did it!Saw it when I was fixing to shower

No worries, it will turn black and fall off in a couple days.
Seriously though, I'm sure I would have had
a couple tears and many not so nice words coming
out of me if that was my toe.
huh - - funny how everything goes numb when you've got a good one going... :poke: - thankfully, I haven't blacked out for years..
I had a 2 yr old rear up, step, and spin on my toes loading him in a trailer , back when I was a kid. went on down the road, pulled my boots off that night, looked just like that ( except 2 were broke).they went from purple color to black, before going back to purple again!
I learned to load them and keep my feet out of the way. ha
ice for the 1st 24hrs to stop the swelling - warm compresses ect. after that to relieve and reduce swelling
I have Neuropathy so I don't know what I did.I'm in Lebanon In .ice on and off all day.I'm going to drive a little tomorrow and rest .I don't have to be 890 miles till monday.If it gets worse or starts running up my foot I'll hit a doctors office.Thanks for all the prayers and help
oh - of course - didn't know that... thankfully I didn't pick on you TOO hard.. hope it gets better fast!
No pic but unlike the title, it did hurt. Was cleaning a manual steering box and must have got it too close to the edge of the bench. Yep, fell off and got my right big toe. I guess the shoe cushioned it some but still hurt like a big dog! Ice pack and a bandaid to coverthe little cut. Developed a bacterial infection. On the mend now with some meds, although I see am gonna loose the nail!
I'm in Effingham I'll waiting on a taxi to go to the hospital. Someone told my podiatrist and he called me and started to chew me out
wow man - not being familiar with what you have I have to ask - how can you break a toe and not know it?