What would you all do??

there's little saying about stuff... if you haven't used it in 3 years, you likely never will and you don't need it. Dust collectors are just that, dust collectors. From this couch - you sound like you're just done with it ...and who can blame you? You've been there done that and the financial realities of it all are clear to you.. while it is just a hobby, the realization that you are just pissing good money after bad (so to speak) makes it feel like it's not worth it to you.. I submit to you that it may well be time to sell and look for another outlet. I will say this though, I have NEVER had more than one automotive project going at a time.. they are be very time consuming and expensive - it is (as you are obviously very aware) hard enough to concentrate on one --- especially when your heart isn't totally in it. Instead of a new purchase and adding to the mix - sell one and work a little on the other maybe... good luck with your decision.. it's a tough one.