wet sand single stage acrylic urethane

The car hobby was a blast and it helped me find a career that was beyond my expectations. I hear you about being worn out. When my current project is complete I'm hanging up my stuff. I'm done. It's all I can do to keep up with everything else that needs attention around me plus I still have some old clients that don't seem to understand the word "no". I have so many frequent flyer miles I won't ever use them all. Don't get me wrong, I'm still physically fit, just way too many other things I'd rather be doing that are a lot cleaner and whole lot more enjoyable. We got grandkids coming so I'm looking forward to that chapter of my life.

My advice: Never stop learning even if the experience isn't a good one. You learned from this experience and will take what you learned to your next project and make it that much better.

As far as buffers go, they are getting lighter and cheaper. My current 7" buffer weighs about 4 lbs. and cost approx. $59.00 I've polished quite a few cars with it and it seems to be hanging in there. I remember the old Chicago Pneumatic buffers back in the 60's -70's that weighed way too much and tore your arm off when they got caught up in something.

Yes, sitting out in the sun will help the curing process but don't expect miracles. 2K paints are a much better way to go for repainting or buffing.

Again, good luck with your project.