Home schoolers...

I know someone who tried it, it didn't work because the "child" wouldn't commit to doing the work. The parent couldn't force them either so what do you do? The child is a teenager now and back in school, but I don't think its working out. The social skills part anyway.

Yep my wife let her oldest convince her she needed to be home schooled when she was in her second year of high school after the kid flunked out in her freshman year. My wife relented and did this, much to my disagreement thinking one on one instruction would be better. The girl is my step daughter, so all i could do was advise and let my wife decide.

I knew it was a bad idea but would give it 1 year. Well my wife couldent get this kid to do the work. We even used an online computer based home school that cost my credit card every month. Finally my wife agreed she had to go back to a brick n mortar school because i was pulling the plug on the online learning. Time was up.

Well now she has not enough credits to just take a normal course load in her senior year this year to graduate with her class for 2017. She has makeup classes for freshman, sophomore , and junior year to do. I told her i guess you dont get any fun filler classes this coming year, you will have to make up all this extra work if you intend to graduate with your class. Needless to say, now she has to jump through her *** to get it done. I hope she enjoyed playing johnny fuckaround for a year LOL, because shes gonna be paying for it now.

We wont be trying this experiment with our other kids.