whitepunkonnitro is a liar and a scammer

I said send it back, didn't I?
Now you can keep it.
My last comment on this thread

Driver quality means just that. If you want new, pony up $400. You want excellent used $250 and up.
Bumper places charge $100 for a usable core..that's what he paid, and its better than a core.
He first contacted me weeks after the transaction. At that point, I was extremely busy with my shop and a web site we are working on. I dropped the ball...it happens.
If you bother to check, you'll see I have very few posts on here during that period.
I take returns and make refunds all the time. Never an issue for a legitimate complaint.
I offered that to him last night. His response was to start this thread.
Now, he owns a bumper.
Ive said all I have to say on the subject.

Listen, here's the bottom line.
I offered to take the bumper back. His response was to start this thread. Now, I'm done with him. Period.
I've had literally thousands of smooth transactions on this site over the last six years. You can count the bad ones on your fingers.
Don't trust me? Don't buy from me
Don't like me? Feel free to talk as much **** as you want.
As for the washwomen who pile on every chance they get (I'm talking to you SSBA), you seem to have a lot to say, and I'd like to hear all about it in person.
Mods, Joey, if you think I'm out of line, go ahead and ban me..won't hurt my feelings at all.
As for the rest of you, thank you for your business and support.

So much for last comment eh? So much for "I've said all I have to say". If you are gunna put in a "last word" try and make sure it is actually a "last word". You hurt only yourself doing otherwise.

I wasn't originally gunna comment on this thread. I'm not here for the drama. There's enough of that "car drama" bullshit like gas jackass garage on tv as it is. But I'm drunk and in the mood to dispense an opinion.

As for terms of quality. "Driver quality" means different things to everyone. We all know that. What I think of driver quality I'm sure a lot of chevy guys wouldn't give a first look in a junk yard. I'm that type. Just cause one guy thinks "driver quality" means pitted and dinged to ****, doesn't mean others do. And just cause some other places charge $100 bucks for a useable core, doesn't mean that's what the buyer thought he was getting - or paid for. Not all of us find it funny to ram **** and bend up our bumpers on the regular. I will say the original pic, while definitely showing some defects and rust lines. Did not show any major dinging I see in the other pictures. I think it's a "glamour" shot. The same kinda shot a lot of women post online to look their best. It's deceptive.

That said. I'm on the fence about the "return" idea. Seems like whitepunk is/was open to a return, but his attitude definitely doesn't come across that way. And such a return would depend on other deals made (something about brackets that never happened?) and return freight and such. But with his attitude it seems like any resolution is long past at this point.

This isn't Joe jerkoffs junkyard. Or Doug dickheads pickapart. It's FABO. Sell the **** you describe. Pay your bill on time. And we wouldn't have this problem. Getting tired of seeing this threads.