whitepunkonnitro is a liar and a scammer

I know many of you have had good experiences with whitepunkonnitro selling you things on FABO, I have read your responses to others who have been jerked around by him... But after MONTHS of trying to get him to actually do what he said he was gonna do, I have finally given up...

I originally purchased a bumper from him that as supposed to be a "nice, good driver", but when it arrived it appeared to have been hit with a sledge hammer, keyed scratches in all down it, it was rusty, and the chrome was so pitted it was complete garbage... edit: (HIS and MINE PICS ON PAGE 2 OF THIS THREAD)

When I contacted him about it he said HE WASNT WEARING HIS GLASSES and didn't want it back (cause it was garbage) and said I should sell it and split the money I make with him, and he'll send me some front and rear bumper brackets and hardware to make up for it...
This sounded sorta reasonable so I have tried to sell it since this decision for over a month and a half on here and on ebay, and no one wants it...

I have also, contacted him several times to let him know I never recieved the promised brackets and hardware, and each time he would say "Oh, I thought I sent that out" or "My wife was supposed to do that" or " Hmmm, Ill look into that..."
Well, now its been over two months since the original receipt of the junk bumper, and over a month and a half (april 30th) since he's been shining me on about these brackets and hardware...

I contacted him yesterday and told him that I didn't even want the brackets anymore and that maybe I should just get a refund. so he says to send the bumper back and that's fine.
After MONTHS of lying and disregard of my self, he just says "ok thats fine".
He sent me a junk bumper on purpose that no one would have wanted, then jerks me around for months, and now I should pay MORE money to send him the junk back in hopes that he'll suddenly be honest and give me my money back? WoW...

only pay with paypal, buyer protection for things like this.