at just the right moment pictures you took

Nuclear Cruiser? Holy saltwater fatman!
That was a long time ago.

You must be a great guy to raise a good son. Tell him thanks for serving!
Thanks greymouser7. Going on 20 years ago. He was the last one to steer the ship into its final port and put it in PARK, where it was dismantled. There was talk at that time to put the entire bridge in one of the large museums, but never came about. Before I got off the ship the captain gave me his ball cap, scrambled eggs and all. I wore it for probably 5 years.

My son was born at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, NC when I was in the Marines. My father was on the Aircraft Carrier, USS Bennington during Korea and worked on Corsairs, Panthers, Banshees and Skyraiders, so it kind of runs in the blood. I will extend my thanks to my son.