barracuda 4 speed shifter linkage problem

Yeah I like it a lot. I'm never going back to that front mount. I bought my first A-body in 1970, and have had stick Mopes nearly ever since. I never liked that front mount or that truck shifter. I bought a Mr.Gasket Bang Shifter, with a really short straight-leg shifter, in about 71/72, and it found it's way onto every stick-car since. This last car got it in 99, but I didn't move it back until about 2002 or so.
What I did was get my seat set up where I liked it, for clutching, and the back angle where it was comfortable. Then I hung my upper arm straight down and extended my forearm out to where I thought would be a good place for the ball to be, and made a chalkmark there below my curled up fingers, right beside my thigh. (Leave room for your seat-tracks and a boot-ring).Then I moved the mark ahead about 2 inches.Shazzam! That's where I put it and that's where it stayed.Of course the factory console wouldn't fit, so it went into the rafters. That beast weighs more than my wife did on our wedding day anyway,so good riddance.It takes more power to drag that thing around than a teener makes on the back two cylinders too! Goodbye I said!