Why is one 340 connecting rod bronze color?

Well, you know, oxy-acetylene and TiG steel welding rods are copper coated to keep them from rusting.... and that works just fine; I have had some hanging around for a decade or more and are still fine to use. So the idea of corrosion resistance has some basis to it. Maybe these are for marine use??

But copper does oxidize rapidly in the right environment. They're probably copper clad for several reasons, including conducting electricity and heat shielding to some degree.

A con rod is bathed in oil constantly, not much reason to try to save it from oxidation, and it wouldn't explain the presence of just one rod at a time in some motors.

The rework idea seems legit. I've seen chrome used in some applications, but it's not easy to grind or bring to a good size after plating, versus copper or bronze which is.