what line go's where?

You know what tho, ugly as they are, you cannot judge a book by it's cover.I see nothing abnormal there yet.
But twenty to thirty times is ridiculous. I have a feeling your M/C got a big gulp of returning air.You may have to re-bleed it.Then bleed the connections at the ports after you install them.Then tickle the peddle until no more tiny air bubbles rise from the C-port.
Sometimes you have to drive the air down the line, and out the bottom, at top speed so it doesn't get a chance to reverse direction. If there is a restriction in the line,(usually a rust blockage in the rear line at it's lowest spot) you will have to force the air through it with hydraulic pressure.You may have to crack various connections to get the air out, starting from those closest to the M/C and working your way back.