
No, I wasn't a pilot in the USAF - just a civil engineer. I did get my multi-engine instrument rating though. I bought a gyrocopter years ago (just like the one in the original Mad Max) and it's on my To Do list to get it flying in the future. Till then I just fly my buddy's Archer. I'll bet that since you are an instructor, you probably fly a lot of different planes. Is that what you do for a living?
No, my brother and I own a manufacturing company of about 20 people. I am the engineering mgr. Work with CAT, John Deere, Toyota. I did fly an Archer once and about 30 other planes. Best ride though was in the back of a P51-D. Friend of mine had 2 of them. He had taken the fuel tank from behind the pilot and put in a jump seat. As you know the bubble canopy is quite constraining for someone behind the pilot. Also, flew along side Rudy Frasca's P-40 Warhawk for a while.