Now I know why I don't shop at Walmart very often.

As I would and do respond to situation like that. The wife and I enjoy sitting outside In town having a cup of coffee, sometimes at the local WAWA store.I can't tell you how many low life POS people park in handicap spaces without the proper placard or tag. Most people stand by and not say a thing. I will walk up to them and ask them if it bothers them that they are using a handicap spot when they shouldn't? A few will understand and move their car. Some just ignore me, but ah the players in life, you know the ones with their *** hanging out, and the ones that emulate the dumbest of people on this earth, will cuss at me, scream about how they want to have sex with me ( I think that is what they have in mind) and really show their level of ignorance. It may cost me the ultimate price one day. But I will not standby and let these "players " Hold me strong arm hostage in my own place!
Mouth breathers