When you have paint left overs,and you experimented..

"I wish I had a photo." When I was quite young, perhaps 8, we had a 50's Ford. (Flathead, might have been the last year.) It was faded, and Dad worked at the local NAPA where they sold paint, and part of his job as an Johnson/ Evinrude mechanic was to paint outboards / parts. He had a "stash" of mis-mixed paint he'd brought home.

One year, the day before Thanksgiving, he took the day off and prepped the old Ford. There was snow, and it got COLD that night. He worked until something like 4AM getting it done. This was in a drafty old "barely a" 2 car garage, with a HUGE gap under the sliding wood doors. He had a red-hot barrel stove in one corner, which I'm sure barely kept it above freezing in there.

Now, the thing is, LOL, Dad was intensely color blind. I think he told me once he thought it was red "or something." Well it turned out a very nice pale turquoise. Of course you NEVER would have been able to match it if you had to fix a fender, LOL

Next day, was about 7" of powder snow, and COLD. About 15 degrees. Thanksgiving here is not often that way. We went up to "Gramma's" house which was very very small. The "Moms" kicked us kids out in the cold until we revolted.