New guy from Washington State

Sure looks like a fine specimen to me, tell us more about it.

I bought it a little over a year ago. It lost its originality somewhere along the way . . . it had a 1984 block 318 in it when I bought it; it has been repainted (not factory correct color) and a new top put on; and it had its interior done somewhere along the way (again, not factory correct). I have never owned a Mopar before, but I just fell in love with it . . . you see a ton of Mustangs, Camaros, Chevelles, even Chargers, Challengers, and Cudas, but I almost never see a convertible Dodge Dart. That plus the quirky bug-eyed look, just stole my heart.

I am in the process of doing a heart transplant on it. Put in another 318 -- one that had a bit more aggressive cam and some head work done. Should be a bit peppier when I get it up and running.

It could use paint, but that is going to wait for another time. For now, it is a unique car, it is my first Mopar, and it is a really fun cruiser . . . when it is up and running of course.