Reverse Osmosis....

if you're not using the hydrants for domestic water for house hold use. Why would you have to run it through the reverse osmosis unit. You should be able to add a connection for outside the house use before the osmosis unit. the it wouldn't have to go through the osmosis unit.
Unless the unit is set up before your pump. Of course this wouldn't matter if it is a submersible pump in the well and not a jet type pump. Then could have a larger storage tank to warm the water before it goes through the osmosis unit.

Then I don't know how your system is set up. What I said maybe just garbage.

Hope can get it figured out. I'm sure someone on here deals with this kind of stuff.
Our house is hooked to the same supply as the hydrants. I just used the hydrant to measure the water temperature... didn't see the point of letting a faucet in the house run long enough to empty the well storage a lot of water going into our septic system...