Who on here is from Michigan?

Awesome thanks for the info guys! I forgot about that map thing that's pretty cool.

SSVDP sounds pretty nice, I was out there a few months ago (March?) for work around the Grand Rapids area and it was kinda cold but not bad. I do love skiing we're pretty spoiled out here in the Rockies and I wouldn't mind having a snowmobile at some point. Really my only weather-related concern is sunshine TBH, I grew up in Pennsylvania and the winters were super depressing the sky would be gray for like 2 weeks straight I hated it. Here in CO even in the middle of winter you have clear sunny days.

vitamin c that's great news, sounds more like the kind of job market I need to be looking in. Out here the main industries are for medical devices, electronics, or aerospace (Lockheed, Ball etc.) and like I said it's super competitive for even the simplest jobs. I almost considered becoming a welder or some other type of "tradesman" because it would be more lucrative in this current environment.

Bruce, sounds nice my wife is definitely a city girl but I like the country more so finding a place kind of in-between I think would be best.